The Challenge of Real Estate Property Management for Foreign Residents in Israel
20% of the apartments in Israel today are owned by foreign residents. Maintaining investment property in Israel requires frequent access to the property for the purpose of locating tenants and renewal of rental contracts, maintenance and repairs, reporting to the Israeli tax authorities, collecting payments, insurance
and more. The ability to manage all these communications from afar necessitates a reliable, professional Israeli representative. Here in Israel Home Management has implemented a method of real estate property management from the United States that provides the owner with full transparency and control from afar, as well as access to all information required to make decisions regarding management of the property. A Single Address for Dealing with all Aspects of the Property
Home Management makes a delegated property manager, who speaks the language of the property owner, available to its clients. The property manager will fully coordinate all aspects of interfacing with the property for the owner, and will be responsible for updating the owner concerning all developments connected with the operational status of the property. We are committed to complete transparency in order to assist our clients to make informed decisions that will protect the returns from their investment and maintain their property in Israel. Availability of Information for the Property Owner
Apart from the availability of Home Management’s property managers during normal work hours in Israel, our clients can access, at any time, their secured personal area on our website (link), where they can view financial reports, scanned invoices, collections status, up-to-date pictures of the property, rental agreement, insurance policy and more. This data is available 24 hours a day, and offers the owner complete transparency and peace of mind regarding remote management of the property, so that he can make informed management decisions, as he sees fit.