Art Guest House Vanzetti's Studio

Art Guest House  Vanzetti's Studio Our Art Guest House located on the roof of the small house in the center of the Arad city with uniqu To all the seas are direct route with weak traffic.

Our Guest House located on the roof of the small house (5 apartments) in the center of the city with unique location: it is located in the heart of the State of Israel with quick entrance to the main historical, cultural and natural centers of national importance.
25 km - The Dead Sea. 90 km - Mediterranean Sea, 200 km - the Red Sea. The city is located in the heart of the Judean Desert - full of

mountain streams, dry summer, the existing waterfalls and mountain canyons. Art Guest House (Vanzetti's Studio) - is to use professional features studio specializing in vintage photography processes using equipment (vintage cameras and lenses of the 19th century), the studio painting and pottery at the price of an average tenancy. The close proximity of the Dead Sea (25 km). Ability to conduct a photo shoot with one of the Israeli artists, the author of this project, winner of international awards, known for his work in the international community - Alex Vanzetti with his photo studio Vanzetti's Studio, which will be provided to you (the first time in Israel) for the price of daily living! You will be given a straight choice of many of the original works by Alex Vanzetti, limited edition with numerous gifts and souvenirs that worked specifically for this project! Book in advance. The sooner you do this one that less you pay for the end because it becomes less and capacity of our Art Guest House is designed by only a small team in a maximum of 4 people! with the coming spring-summer season seats. This may be a family with children or just a pair of newlyweds who have decided for little money creatively and intelligently to relax, gain strength and take pictures of each other in the most exotic places that we will be happy to tell you, for the 30 years experience of living in these wonderful places of stunning scenery we have;) ! P.S.Only for participants and residents of our Art Guest House! For those who want to see, hold and meet Shabbat in a Chassidic families of our city - it will make an exception and given the opportunity! In Art Guest House we have some set of rules that we ask diligently perform and delicately reminded about it every time: smoking indoors - is prohibited. You can smoke on the terrace-balcony without breaking our rules and do not create emergency situations in our Art Guest House. We don't have an elevator and you have to remember the exercise. Maybe this will scare you and frighten, but for many, perhaps, it will be an additional incentive for cardio. 5 small flights of stairs and you are in the suites, where you can realize any of your creative imagination and dream. Vanzetti's Studio will help you with this and will make your stay memorable, easy and comfortable! Our place is not fit for foodies! We have a small kitchen without a gas stove. Therefore, a large cooking our Art Guest House is not suitable. There is an electric kettle with coffee, tea and sugar, as well as a microwave for heating or cooking the elementary meals. Elementary utensils set is also included. You can always use the services of inexpensive cafes in the nearby shopping center. There is a nearby cafe and grill, as well as a cozy restaurant "Muza", where you can make cheap but quality meal dishes of Jewish and Mediterranean cuisine. Come to us and you will never regret it !;)

Наш Art Guest House расположен на крыше малоквартирного дома (5 квартир), в центре городка имеющего уникальное расположение: он находится в самом центре государства Израиль с возможностью быстрого подъезда к основным историческим, культурным и природным центрам государственного значения.
20км - Мертвое море. 80 км - Средиземное, 187 км - Красное море. Ко всем морям ведут прямые и малозаполненные трассы. Город находится в самом центре Иудейской пустыни - полной горных речек, пересыхаемых летом, действующих водопадов и горных каньонов. Art Guest House (Vanzetti's Studio) - это использование профессиональных возможностей фотостудии специализирующейся на старинных процессах фотографии с использованием аппаратуры (старинные фотокамеры и объективы 19 века), студия живописи и гончарного ремесла по цене среднестатистического съема жилья. Непосредственная близость от Мертвого моря (20 км). Возможность проведения фотосессий с одним из израильских фотохудожников, автором сего проекта, лауреате международных премий и наград, известным своими работами в международном сообществе - Alex Vanzetti с его фотостудией Vanzetti's Studio, которая будет предоставлена вам (впервые в Израиле) по цене суточного проживания! Вам будет предоставлена прямая возможность выбора многих из оригинальных работ by Alex Vanzetti, выпущенных ограниченными тиражами, с многочисленными авторскими подарками и сувенирами выпущенными специально для сего проекта!
Бронируйте места заранее. И чем раньше вы это сделаете, тем меньше вы заплатите по концовке, ибо с приходом весенне-летнего сезона мест становится все меньше, а вместимость нашего Art Guest House расчитана всего лишь на маленький коллектив в максимум 4 человека!;) Это может быть семья с детьми или просто пара молодоженов, решивших за небольшие деньги творчески и разумно отдохнуть , набраться сил и поснимать друг друга в самых экзотических местах, о которых мы вам с удовольствием расскажем, ибо 30 летний опыт проживания в этих чудесных местах великолепных пейзажей у нас имеется;)! P.S.Только для участников и жителей нашего Art Guest House! Для желающих увидеть, провести и встретить Шаббат в одной из хасидских семей нашего города - будет сделано исключение и предоставлена такая возможность!
В нашем Art Guest House существуюет ряд правил, которые мы неустанно просим выполнять и деликатно напоминаем об этом каждый раз: курить внутри помещения - запрещено. Вы можете курить на террасе-балконе, не нарушая нашего правила и не создавая аварийных ситуаций в нашем Art Guest House.
У нас нет лифта и вам придется вспомнить физическую нагрузку. Возможно, вас это отпугнет и испугает, но для многих, возможно, это будет являться дополнительным стимулом для кардионагрузки. 5 небольших пролетов лестницы и вы в аппартаментах, где вы сможете воплотить любую свою творческую фантазию и мечту. Vanzetti's Studio поможет вам в этом и сделает ваш отдых запоминающимся, легким и комфортным!
Наше место не подойдет для гурманов! Мы имеем небольшую кухню без газовой плиты. Поэтому на большое приготовление пищи наш Art Guest House не подходит. Имеется электрический чайник с кофе, чаем и сахаром, а также микроволновая печь для разогрева или приготовления элементарной еды.
Вы всегда сможете воспользоваться услугами недорогих кафе в расположенном поблизости торговом центре. Имеется поблизости гриль-кафе, а также очень уютный ресторан "Муза", где вы сможете недорого, но качественно поесть блюда еврейской и средиземноморской кухни.
Приезжайте к нам и вы никогда не пожалеете об Этом!;)



"MOTHERHOOD" or "The Story of Two Hearts"Интересно, как бы мужчина мог почувствовать ощущения Матери? Наверное, став Жен...

"MOTHERHOOD" or "The Story of Two Hearts"
Интересно, как бы мужчина мог почувствовать ощущения Матери? Наверное, став Женщиной и родив ребенка? Нет, он просто должен быть рядом с любимой во время появления Его Нового "отражения" !
Pictire was shoting in the Studio by Alex Vanzetti
Esse - Arad, Judean Desert, 9/10/2012

Portrait of young lady... 2010

Portrait of young lady...



No Title...

No Title...

Little bit about WEDDING & Dead Sea ;)

Little bit about WEDDING & Dead Sea ;)

Beautiful views  of the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea wait our new guests...All the prints made and printed on the art ...

Beautiful views of the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea wait our new guests...
All the prints made and printed on the art Canson archival canvas (France);)

WEDDING... Dead Sea...Salten Islands...

WEDDING... Dead Sea...
Salten Islands...

Want to extend your summer? October and November - the time of holidays ... Nearby mountains S***m and ... Dead Sea with...

Want to extend your summer?
October and November - the time of holidays ... Nearby mountains S***m and ... Dead Sea with the Judean desert. Booked for a week or more - a 15% discount and a portfolio on the salt islands of the Dead Sea! Write and book today!
Art Guest House Vanzetti's Studio

Июль - время отпусков... Невдалеке гора Содом и... Мертвое море с Иудейской пустыней. Забронировавшим на срок неделя и более - скидка 15% и портфолио на соляных островах Мертвого моря ! Пишите и бронируйте уже сегодня!
Art Guest House Vanzetti's Studio

Belgian photographer Leonard Misonne (1870-1943)The artist's monochromatic prints in both warm and cool tones convey a s...

Belgian photographer Leonard Misonne (1870-1943)
The artist's monochromatic prints in both warm and cool tones convey a strong sense of place and time, as well as a sense of nostalgia for his familiar homeland. Whether the subject is a city street or a pastoral landscape, the perfect light carefully captured by Misonne creates a serene and comforting scene reminiscent of a dreamscape.

Alexander Grinberg

Alexander Grinberg

Alexander Grinberg, Portrait de femme, 1913

**Please do not report art

No TitleCambo 8x10 with post digital edition...

No Title

Cambo 8x10 with post digital edition...

Judean Desert with N**e2013 near the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi...

Judean Desert with N**e
2013 near the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi...

To my friends and just randomly passed by passersby !;)) Autumn on the Dead Sea - the most beautiful, romantic and NOT H...

To my friends and just randomly passed by passersby !;))
Autumn on the Dead Sea - the most beautiful, romantic and NOT HOT time! Who will booking for a period of 3 nights or more - trip to the one of the beautiful salt islands of the Dead Sea for FREE!
Write and book today! Art Guest House Vanzetti's Studio

Venus of the Judean Desert  # 3. After a few days this photo will go to one of the European auctions. Come on and let's ...

Venus of the Judean Desert # 3.

After a few days this photo will go to one of the European auctions.
Come on and let's see what will happen in this time! ;)

Model: Magnificent Olga Veide 🤗

Flew to the private Holland collection few works about ... Beauty and Mystery of the Russian Soul!Fly my dear, fly ... i...

Flew to the private Holland collection few works about ... Beauty and Mystery of the Russian Soul!
Fly my dear, fly ... inspiring your beauty all Our World !;))
July 2017

Dedicated to one of the best Moose, my favorite model and the best and closest friend! Happy Birthday my dear !!!

Dedicated to one of the best Moose, my favorite model and the best and closest friend! Happy Birthday my dear !!!

Realy, realy sweet word ... FREEDOM

Realy, realy sweet word ... FREEDOM

Beautiful, beautiful Nature... Ohhhh ...How I love you when you send us your pieces of "LIGHT" to delight us with them.....

Beautiful, beautiful Nature... Ohhhh ...
How I love you when you send us your pieces of "LIGHT" to delight us with them...

Venus of the Judean Desert - (2) 2015

Venus of the Judean Desert - (2)

About beautiful model and the desert...Southern District, Judean Desert near our guest house,  Israel

About beautiful model and the desert...
Southern District, Judean Desert near our guest house, Israel

No Titles

No Titles

To all our friends and guests! A few hours before the end of the art auction where you can buy few work by Alex Vanzetti...

To all our friends and guests!
A few hours before the end of the art auction where you can buy few work by Alex Vanzetti for real money. You have a few hours after which two black&white works will be sent to the winner. The auction is realistic with real prices which are affordable for a typical person that interested in photography...

Dimension: 69x54 & 78x54 cm Size of print: 65x50 & 74x50 cm Condition : very good Technique: Giclee Material: Archival Hahnemühle 310g/cm paper. No frame. Picture was taken 2014, St. Petersburg Printinting: 2015 & 2017. This photo is covered with a thin layer of colorless varnish mat. This allows fo...

Red Mountain's View. Eilat...Southen District. Israel...

Red Mountain's View. Eilat...
Southen District. Israel...

No Title portrait...2014

No Title portrait...

When you think of old photographs, you naturally think in terms of black and white, but as you can see from these stunni...

When you think of old photographs, you naturally think in terms of black and white, but as you can see from these stunning photographs from the turn of the 20th century, color photography has been around for a lot longer than you think.
Before 1907, if you wanted a color photograph then you (well, a professional colorist) basically had to color it in using different dyes and pigments, but two French brothers called Auguste and Louis Lumière changed all that with a game-changing process that they called the Autochrome Lumière. Using dyed grains of potato starch and light-sensitive emulsion, they were able to produce vibrant photographs without the need for additional colorization. Despite being difficult to manufacture and also somewhat expensive, the process was very popular among amateur photographers and one of the world's first books of color photography was published using the Autochrome Lumière technique.
The brothers revolutionized the world of color photography until Kodak took things to a whole new level with the invention of Kodachrome film in 1935, a lighter and more convenient alternative that quickly made the Autochrome Lumière obsolete (although its popularity continued in France up until the 1950s). Kodachrome was also eventually overtaken by the rise of digital photography (Kodak stopped manufacturing Kodachrome in 2009), which is now by far the world's most popular way to take pictures, but modern advances in photographic technology wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of early pioneers like Auguste and Louis Lumière. Scroll down for a collection of stunning century-old color photographs using their groundbreaking technique.

Judean Desert View2011

Judean Desert View




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